When you don’t have enough money to buy your own Russian KA-50 Attack helicopter, your only other option is to get the highest fidelity simulation you can and try it out on your own PC. Follow along as I show you what I do when I have too much time on my hands (looks great in full-screen mode)!
I created this video many years ago to chronicle a year (or two) in the life of the Buzuvis family. While the equipment and technology back then was vastly inferior to what we have today, I am so glad we have this as a keepsake.
Dedicated to Betty, Marie, and Martha…three who appear in the video but are no longer with us.
If I were to look back on 2012 with my mortal eyes, I would say it was one of the toughest years Donna and I have ever had to slog through. However, when I view it through the eyes of eternity, I end up asking myself: “Would we be as close as we are as husband and wife if we had not had to fight our way through all of this together? Would I have realized what an absolute warrior the woman I married has inside of her if I had not seen her strength in dealing with all we had to face this year?”
While I never would have asked for the year that we had, now that I look back on it using my eternal eyes, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
2012 *was* a good year…because we look past mortality and see it for what it truly was…a year “in school” for our eternal progression. And the more time that passes, the less we remember the hardships, and the more we remember the unity, closeness and strength we developed.
Here’s hoping that 2013 is even better…for us and for you. Happy New Year!
Since this is the time of year to count our blessings and give thanks for that which we have, I can think of nothing better than to express my appreciation for the kindess that God has shown unto our family.
In the last 12-15 months, we have gone through some very difficult trials. I know that many families have to face such things, but when it happens to you for the first time it seems insurmountable.
We are so pleased that Donna’s health has been improving and that we are still all together as a family. Even Mavra, though she turned 14 things summer, is so precious to us and we cannot express our thanks sufficiently that she is still a part of our family.
While the last year was one of the wildest rides I can ever recall, it was reassuring to see that God in fact will never abandon us. Time and time again he gave us strength to face the challenges that came our way. Time and time again he utilized friends and family to offer the helping hand we so badly needed.
My appreciation to all of those who helped us in thought, deed and prayer. God bless you all.