Things to be Thankful For
Posted by Peter on 27th November 2008
Since this is the time of year to count our blessings and give thanks for that which we have, I can think of nothing better than to express my appreciation for the kindess that God has shown unto our family.
In the last 12-15 months, we have gone through some very difficult trials. I know that many families have to face such things, but when it happens to you for the first time it seems insurmountable.
We are so pleased that Donna’s health has been improving and that we are still all together as a family. Even Mavra, though she turned 14 things summer, is so precious to us and we cannot express our thanks sufficiently that she is still a part of our family.
While the last year was one of the wildest rides I can ever recall, it was reassuring to see that God in fact will never abandon us. Time and time again he gave us strength to face the challenges that came our way. Time and time again he utilized friends and family to offer the helping hand we so badly needed.
My appreciation to all of those who helped us in thought, deed and prayer. God bless you all.
Posted in Peter's Thoughts